Technology, in recent times, has become a core part of all business related operations. So much so, that companies spend considerable amounts of money, time and other resources in order to ensure the proper setup of a technological infrastructure. This move towards a technology centered business and work environment only continues to expand and grow as time passes.

As a business yourself, you probably put in a lot of effort in setting up your IT infrastructure as well, or maybe, you are in the process of doing so. You’ve probably noticed that one of the most major concerns about setting up a proper IT infrastructure was or is finding the right operating system (OS) for your systems. The most obvious choices would’ve included either the Apple OSX or the more common Microsoft Windows. But, there is and has always been another player in the game. A dark-horse by the name of Linux. If you haven’t considered trying or switching to this OS, here are reasons why you should.
The term ‘cost-effective’ wouldn’t be the right term to describe the budget friendliness aspect of Linux because the fact is, the OS is absolutely free. All you have to download it from the company website and install it onto your systems. This is obviously a huge advantage, considering the facts that it’s rivals are quite expensive, especially the OSX operating system from Apple. Plus, Linux is also open-source, which means you get to do what you want with it. You can customize or modify it to suit your requirements.
User friendly
Though this was not the case earlier, Linux has changed a lot since its initial arrival. The system is just as easy to use as any other major operating system. It uses standard Unix commands and has a layout that is almost the same as any other commercial Unix based operating system. Though, the average user might find the dependence on keyboards too much to handle, it’s a small price to pay for the flexibility and power that comes with Linux.
Those who are particular about a Graphical User Interface can always opt for add-ons such as Kubuntu and ZorinOS.
Being an open-source platform, Linux has dedicated communities revolving around its development. Everyday, these communities work towards providing the latest bug and security fixes. On the other hand, popular OS options such as Windows and OSX depend on their parent companies to come up with security patches, which aren’t always regular.
Low-resource requirement
Linux depends on minimal resources to operate and therefore, rarely faces performance issues. This isn’t the case with an OS like Windows, because as systems get older, they become unable to support its high-resource requirements.